Don Womble Coaching

Start Living Today!

Helping manage emotions, challenging negative thinking patterns, improving relationship skills, and reducing stress and anxiety — to help you live better & work better.

Don Womble Coaching

Don Womble Coaching

Certification and Credentials:

  • Mental Health Life Coach

  • Mindfulness Life Coach

  • Life Coach with the John Maxwell Team

  • CBT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Life Coach

  • MBA in Organizational  and Psychology Development

Services Offered:

  • One on One Coaching

  • Group Coaching

  • Virtual Coaching

  • Speaking engagements – Overcoming Anxiety, Burnout Identification and Recovery

Q & A Regarding Mental Health Life Coaching

  • What does a Mental Health Life Coach do? They do not diagnose mental illness but they will listen, ask questions and design life coping strategies for clients.

  • What is the difference between a Life Coach and a Therapist? A life coach helps their client work through the present into the future. Therapist go into the clients past and work to the present.

  • How do I Know if a Mental Health Life Coach is Right for me?

    If you can answer in the affirmative to these questions, a Mental Health Life Coach may be the right fit for you:

    •      You want to improve work-balance and personal life.

    •      You want a goal-oriented  approach for life development.

    •      You want clarity for your life challenges, values and life purpose.

    •      You want to get unstuck in your thinking a gain a refreshed mindset.

    •      You want to know how to identify burnout, work through burnout or never burnout again.

    •      You want to know how to use tools for stress and time management.

    •      You are teachable and you are willing to become accountable to yourself.

In Which Ways can Mental Health Life Coaching Help a Person?

  • Moving past a stuck mindset.

  • Management tools for anxiety and stress management.

  • Transitions in a person’s life.

  • Learning to deal with various emotions in life; fear, failure, anger, resentment, guilt, bitterness, unforgiving spirit.

  • Relationship challenges on the job and in personal life.

  • Getting from here to there. Working through steps that lead to someone’s goals and dreams in life.

  • Building strategies and daily habits that will improve positive thinking.

  • Life coaches teach clients to learn to coach themselves and not become dependent on needing a life coach for life.

Have more questions? Email Coach Don at